Thursday 16 February 2012

QUESTION ANSWERS- IX Diversity in living organisms (Updated on :16.02.12)

(related to Pisces, Earthworm and Cockroach)

1. To which Phylum does the Earthworm belong?
Ans. Annelida

2. What is the scientific name of the Earthworm?
Ans. Pheretima

3. What is Prostomium?
Ans. The small sensory lobe which is on the mouth of the Earthworm.It is present on the first segment of the body.

4. To which Phylum does the Cockroach belong and what is its scientific name?
Ans. Arthropoda, Periplanata

5. How is the body of the Cockroach differentiated ?
Ans. It is divided in 3 parts : Head , Thorax and abdomen.Head is triangular in shape and bears two compound eyes and the Antennae which are also called the sensory organ.

6. How does the exchange of the gases takes place in Cockroach?
Ans. Through Spiracles.

7. To which class does fish belong to?
Ans. Osteichthyes

8. Which organs helps in the locomotion of the fish?
Ans. Dorsal, Pelvic, Pectoral and Tail fins
Dorsal and Pelvic helps in balancing and movement in water.Pectoral fins acts as brakes and Tail fins helps in changing the direction.

9. By which membrane are the eyes of the fish (bony) protected?
Ans. Nictitating membrane by which eyes of the bony fish are covered which protect its eyes from water.

10. Why Earthworm called the 'Farmers Friend'?
Ans. This is because of its burrowing habits as it acts as Nature's plough man and their castings act as manure.


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